Monday, April 21, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ridwan Kamil Curhat Soal Kemacetan Akhir Pekan Pada Jokowi
"Ini kalau sudah akhir pekan, saya pasti sudah pusing lagi," kata Ridwan Kamil sambil duduk santai di tangga depan kantornya, Kamis (16/4/2014).
Pria yang kerap disapa Kang Emil ini mengeluhkan warga Jakarta yang datang berlibur ke Bandung, namun menggunakan kendaraan pribadi. Hal ini menurutnya membuat Bandung semakin macet dan semrawut.
"Kami minta agar sebisa mungkin warga Jakarta kalau mau ke Bandung naik kereta saja," sambungnya.
Mendengar keluhan ini, Jokowi hanya tersenyum. Ia pun mengangguk pada Emil yang duduk tepat di sampingnya.
"Kalau mau datang ke Bandung, naik kereta saja. Nanti dari stasiun kereta kami jemput naik bus Bandros (Bandung Tour on the Bus)," sambung politisi Gerindra itu.
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan, setiap akhir minggu kota Bandung menjadi lebih padat daripada hari biasa. Salah satu penyebabnya karena jumlah turis domistik dari Jakarta yang berlibur ke Bandung.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Eka Sari Lorena: Melalui IPO, Kami Ingin "Open Management"
Jakarta - PT Eka Sari Lorena Transport resmi memulai proses penawaran saham perdana(Initial public offering/IPO). Perseroan menawarkan saham di dikisaran Rp 825-Rp 1.025 per saham.
Menariknya aksi IPO ini adalah, harapan sebuah perusahaan keluarga untuk semakin profesional di tengah pasar yang kompetitif.
"Perusahan ini ingin berkembang, mau lebihopen management, jadi tidak seperti warteg," kata Presiden Direktur PT Eka Sari Lorena Transport, Eka Sari Lorena Soerbakti usai due diligence & public expose, di Jakarta, Kamis (20/3).
Eka Sari optimistis, bisnis transportasi darat antar kota antar provinsi (AKAP) yang keluarganya kelola bakal kian propektif di masa mendatang. Bukan hanya soal permodalan, aksi go public ini juga diharapkan membuat nama Lorena makin berkibar.
Setelah IPO, perseroan siap terbuka dengan berbagai kemungkinan. "Tentunya kami harap ada perubahan," kata perempuan yang masuk dalam daftar Inspring Woman 2014 versi Majalah Forbes Indonesia ini dengan
Perlu diketahui, Lorena melepas 150 juta lembar saham atau 42,86 persen dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor. Ini berarti, manajemen bakal menggalang dana segar sekitar Rp 123,75 miliar-Rp 153,75 miliar.
Sebesar 81 persen dari perolehan dana IPO akan digunakan untuk pengembangan bus AKAP, angkutan perbatasan terintegrasi busway (APTB), bus kota terintegrasi busway (BKTB), serta rekondisi bus lama.
Kemudian, 16 persen atau senilai Rp 19,8 miliar hingga Rp 24,6 miliar akan dipakai untuk fasilitas atau infrastruktur depo dan workshop bus TransJakarta di Ceger, Jakarta Timur. Sedangkan, 3 persen atau antara Rp 3,7 miliar sampai Rp 4,6 miliar akan ditempatkan sebagai modal kerja.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Salat Bus Malam Terobos Bursa
Saat Bus Malam Terobos Bursa
Mestinya bus yang ia naiki, PO Lorena, sudah membawanya menyeberang feri. Tapi salah satu roda bus itu bermasalah, sehingga mesti berhenti beberapa jam di depo bus di kawasan Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, untuk perbaikan. Kegelisahan pemilik kebun karet itu berakhir setelah bus itu segera meninggalkan puluhan bus di depo tersebut dan bergerak menuju Pekanbaru.
Bus antarprovinsi yang ia naiki adalah andalan bisnis PT Eka Sari Lorena Transport. Perusahaan ini tinggal selangkah menjadi operator bus malam atau bus jarak jauh pertama yang melepas saham di bursa. Langkah ini dilakukan meski bus jarak jauh di Indonesia sangat terpukul oleh hadirnya maskapai penerbangan murah. Maskapai ini membuat tarif pesawat tidak terlalu beda jauh dengan bus tapi memiliki waktu tempuh sangat pendek.
Meski begitu, Lorena optimistis. "(Kami) optimistis pasar saham akan merespons saham kami," kata Andy Porman Tambunan, Sekretaris Perusahaan Lorena. Ia yakin mereka tetap bisa mendapatkan hasil bagus dari penjualan saham mereka meski mereka perusahaan transportasi darat. "Kami tidak mau disamakan dengan mereka," katanya, dalam majalah detik edisi 123, merujuk pada perusahaan bus lain yang sudah melantai di bursa.
Tulisan selengkapnya bisa dibaca GRATIS di edisi terbaru Majalah Detik (edisi 123, 7 April 2014). Edisi ini mengupas tuntas “Awas DKI-2”. Juga ikuti artikel lainnya yang tidak kalah menarik, seperti rubrik Nasional “Ada Apa dengan Pengawalan Jokowi”, Internasional Malaysia Airlines “Mengendus Jejak MH-370 di Balik Manggis”, Bisnis “Booming Digital Sudah Lewat”, Gaya Hidup “Pria Tanpa Sperma”, rubrik Seni Hiburan dan review Film “Captain America”, serta masih banyak artikel menarik lainnya.
Untuk aplikasinya bisa di-download di dan versi pdf bisa di-download Gratis, selamat menikmati!!
Ratusan mahasiswa di universitas Samratulangi Manado saling serang. Belasan gedung perkuliahan hancur dan puluhan sepeda motor dibakar. Saksikan liputan lengkapnya dalam program "Reportase Malam" pukul 02.51 WIB hanya di Trans TV
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Preparing to be public
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
ORGANDA chair woman, the most inspiring woman
Five Reasons Why I Love Public Transportation
by Xin Lu on 29 February 2008
1. You see different people everyday - Maybe I am just weird, but I find watching and listening to people on the bus to be rather interesting. Sometimes I even talked to the bus driver and other random people. I guess the travel experience is just not as lonely as driving because there are other people with you. Once in a while I would see a neighbor or friend, and it was always fun to chat in person.
2. Public transit helps the environment - This is true for areas with high population density. If everyone in the Bay Area that rides the train or bus everyday drove instead then this place will probably have unbreathable air and the traffic would be even more horrendous than it already is now. When you ride the bus or train you are sharing resources with your community, and that cuts down on pollution.
3. You can use your travel time for leisure - On a bus or train you can read a book, play a game, or even chat with your friends on the computer if internet is available. When you drive you have to concentrate on driving. I read many books when I was a bus rider, and also got really familiar with the main routes of the cities around the Bay just by watching the bus routes. It is also pretty relaxing to just take a little nap.
4. Public transit makes you exercise more - I firmly believe that I gained quite a bit of weight over the last couple years because I drive everyday. In the days when I rode the bus I walked more than a mile each day to and from the bus stop or train station. Unless the bus stop is right in front of your house, you generally have to walk a little bit, and that bit of exercise could mean 10 to 15 pounds over the years.
5. Car ownership is generally more expensive - The amount of money needed to purchase a car can generally finance public transit fees for years. Many workplaces also give incentives for public transportation such as discounted passes or reimbursements. Many large companies here in the South Bay also have free bus and train passes under their EcoPass program. The savings are quite significant over months and years.
Of course, there are many inconveniences associated with public transportation. For example, a lot of busses are often late, and go on roundabout routes. There are also crazy bus drivers that do not stop when requested, and also scary passengers that you want to get away from. Sometimes a bus could be so crowded that you can barely breathe. However, most of the times my experiences have been pleasant. I still use public transit from time to time to go to San Francisco because parking is nearly impossible in that city. I also take the BART train to the airport because it costs about 1/10 the amount of hiring a taxi. So even if you cannot part with your car, taking public transit can save you money if you take it occasionally. What about you? Are you a fan or hater of public transit? I was such a bus aficionado I did not learn to drive until I was 20. I knew several bus routes by heart and traveled all around the San Francisco Bay via busses or the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). Right now I live in San Mateo where the public transit is not as prevalent, and I really miss the days when I got everywhere with a bus pass. Since I am feeling nostalgic today I am going to write down why I love public transportation, and I hope I can live in a place with a lot of public transit again.
1. You see different people everyday - Maybe I am just weird, but I find watching and listening to people on the bus to be rather interesting. Sometimes I even talked to the bus driver and other random people. I guess the travel experience is just not as lonely as driving because there are other people with you. Once in a while I would see a neighbor or friend, and it was always fun to chat in person.
2. Public transit helps the environment - This is true for areas with high population density. If everyone in the Bay Area that rides the train or bus everyday drove instead then this place will probably have unbreathable air and the traffic would be even more horrendous than it already is now. When you ride the bus or train you are sharing resources with your community, and that cuts down on pollution.
3. You can use your travel time for leisure - On a bus or train you can read a book, play a game, or even chat with your friends on the computer if internet is available. When you drive you have to concentrate on driving. I read many books when I was a bus rider, and also got really familiar with the main routes of the cities around the Bay just by watching the bus routes. It is also pretty relaxing to just take a little nap.
4. Public transit makes you exercise more - I firmly believe that I gained quite a bit of weight over the last couple years because I drive everyday. In the days when I rode the bus I walked more than a mile each day to and from the bus stop or train station. Unless the bus stop is right in front of your house, you generally have to walk a little bit, and that bit of exercise could mean 10 to 15 pounds over the years.
5. Car ownership is generally more expensive - The amount of money needed to purchase a car can generally finance public transit fees for years. Many workplaces also give incentives for public transportation such as discounted passes or reimbursements. Many large companies here in the South Bay also have free bus and train passes under their EcoPass program. The savings are quite significant over months and years.
Of course, there are many inconveniences associated with public transportation. For example, a lot of busses are often late, and go on roundabout routes. There are also crazy bus drivers that do not stop when requested, and also scary passengers that you want to get away from. Sometimes a bus could be so crowded that you can barely breathe. However, most of the times my experiences have been pleasant. I still use public transit from time to time to go to San Francisco because parking is nearly impossible in that city. I also take the BART train to the airport because it costs about 1/10 the amount of hiring a taxi. So even if you cannot part with your car, taking public transit can save you money if you take it occasionally. What about you? Are you a fan or hater of public transit?